Nobilis Product 10% Full Spectrum CBD Oil is the least concentrated formulation in the Full Spectrum CBD oil range.
It is ideal if you are just starting your experience with cannabis extracts as well as for a spread intake throughout the day.
Unlike the majority of CBD oils found on the market, no potentially harmful solvents have been used in Nobilis’ oils. Thus, the crude (hemp sap) contained in this oil is extremely pure.
According to some experts, Full Spectrum oils are the most effective, as they allow you to take advantage of the entourage effect. This is because the active ingredients in hemp seem to work synergistically. In other words, the anti-stress, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties that some studies attribute to CBD would be more effective when it is in the presence of the entire molecular baggage of the plant.
In summary, Nobilis Full Spectrum oils offer you the best of cannabis in a natural and healthy way.
A 10 ml bottle is equivalent to approximately 200 drops. Store in a dark place.
– Minors are not allowed.
– Not recommended for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women.